Afterschool Programs
Serving Southeastern Michigan Afterschool Programs
When school is OUT...
Science Club is IN!
Change your Afterschool Program into a Sizzlin' Science Laboratory and turn your students ON to science!
Designed to be educational, entertaining and fun, our programs support your participants academically by providing high quality enrichment activities. We expose your students to new experiences and give them a sense of confidence to do things they have never tried before.
Our Afterschool enrichment workshops last for 75 minutes. All materials are included in this supply intensive, educational and FUN program. The cost of this science and nature experience is $10.00 per child with a $150 workshop minimum. Every program provides take home materials and each child will receive a science certificate in recognition for their efforts and accomplishments.
Encourage science discovery in children around the world!
Call (248) 845-8449 today, or simply complete your reservation request form on-line to schedule your next in-school science field trip.
We look forward to visiting your Afterschool program soon!
Involve students by becoming REAL scientists performing REAL experiments!